5 Reasons Why You Need a 24hr Fire Watch Guard

Construction managers, business owners, and commercial property owners are all naturally concerned about the potential of a fire on their property or the property they are responsible for working on. Whether it is a building that’s brand new, one that’s undergoing repairs, or general maintenance on a commercial site, the abundance of flammable material could pose a fire hazard. Not to mention the use of power tools on the site and the fact that some substances are combustible in enclosed spaces is a formula for disaster. 

While you should have fire insurance coverage, you should also have 24hr fire watch guards, which offer peace of mind and will prevent potential fires before they become devastating. In this article, we’ll take a look at five reasons why all property owners and building owners ought to invest in a fire watch guard. 

Help to Avoid Loss of Life and Injury 

Fire watch guards are trained to watch out for signs of a potential fire. If there is a fire, they are trained to report and work on mitigating damage. The prompt reaction by a professional can help avoid the potential loss of life and injury of workers, visitors, and everyone else on the site. If anything, that’s one of the leading reasons to invest in a professional 24hr Fire Watch service. 

Mitigating Damage to the Property 

Fires are vastly unpredictable. What might seem to be a small flame a few seconds prior may soon turn into a raging inferno. Fire watch guards are trained and certified professionals who don’t underestimate the potential of a disaster. That’s why they are, in some cases, the only people who can help limit if not prevent damage to your property or a construction site by detecting an issue early on. 

Keep Maintenance Routine Logs 

Having meticulously kept maintenance of routine logs is the evidence you’ll need to provide the insurance company and local officials in the event of a fire. By having a 24hr Fire Watch around, you can be sure that these records are being kept the way they should. 

Ensuring that Businesses Follow OSHA Fire Prevention Guidelines 

The OSHA fire prevention guidelines help prevent and minimize the chances of a fire. Professional fire watch guards can ensure that the guidelines are being followed. Many times insurance companies will require that these guidelines are followed, or they may refuse coverage. 

Meeting Local Requirements 

Local authorities will often require that a 24hr Fire Watch guard is on duty at a construction site. If that’s a mandatory requirement where you are working, then you might as well have a certified professional. 


24hr Fire Watch guards can help by mitigating and preventing fire damage to your property. The price you pay in the way of their hourly or weekly wages is far less as compared to the potential millions in property damage they can save you from. Not to mention ensuring that your business or site adheres to the strict guidelines laid out by local regulators. 

Please visit: https://fastfirewatchguards.com

The post 5 Reasons Why You Need a 24hr Fire Watch Guard first appeared on The Fast Fire Watch Co..

source https://fastfirewatchguards.com/5-reasons-why-you-need-a-24hr-fire-watch-guard/

source https://californiafirewatchguards.wordpress.com/2021/05/08/5-reasons-why-you-need-a-24hr-fire-watch-guard/

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